Popular mandates

Popular mandates

With the polls predicting a very close race we shouldn’t be surprised if the winner of the electoral college will be the candidate who finished second in the popular vote. Since the Berlin Wall fell there have been eight American presidential elections and in seven of those elections the Republican party candidate have lost the popular vote so I can understand why people would want to back Trump in this Betfair market but I think the value is with Harris…

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This explains why the Selzer poll is different to others

This explains why the Selzer poll is different to others

We’re going to find out in around 72 hours time if the Selzer approach is right, if it is then I think we will see this outside of Iowa and that portends a bigly Harris victory and makes playing the spreads attractive but if I am wrong then you could end up in the poorhouse which makes spread betting so exciting. TSE PS – H/T to PBer EdmundInTokyo for posting that Gregg Levine observation.

Cat meet pigeons

Cat meet pigeons

This feels like an outlier from the Iowa gold standard pollster In 2020 Donald Trump won Iowa by over 8% so a poll showing him losing the state by 3% by the respected Ann Selzer is quite sensational, as we can see in the above tweets the track record of this pollster is near flawless. If this poll is accurate it would pressage a Harris landslide which the wider polls haven’t picked up on. Emerson which is generally rated as…

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There is no happy ending for Bobby J

There is no happy ending for Bobby J

Before the secret rule change I said whoever won today would be unlikely to be the Tory leader at the next election and I am still sticking to that viewpoint, 79 Tory MPs which is nearly two thirds of the parliamentary party didn’t vote for Badenoch. The Tory party faces an existential crisis as it could be pincered senseless by Reform and the Lib Dems over the next few years and I am not sure Badenoch has the skillset to…

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Trump’s women problem?

Trump’s women problem?

If Kamala Harris does win the election next week my expectation is that it will be women voters and a wider more enthused coalition that will power her to victory. With abortion being an important factor in this election it might explain why so many women think the self confessed pussy grabber doesn’t respect women. TSE

Voting has now closed and can Bobby J sink any lower?

Voting has now closed and can Bobby J sink any lower?

Voting closed at 5pm in the race to succeed Rishi Sunak and Robert Jenrick’s chances are near rock bottom (but he has been lower before) but I do think he remains a smidgen of value given the last YouGov poll had him losing to Badenoch by a mere 4%. The result will be announced at 11am on Saturday morning. TSE