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Author: TSE

Nearly a quarter of 2024 Tories are switching to Reform

Nearly a quarter of 2024 Tories are switching to Reform

Speak to a lot of Tories, particularly the activists, and they will tell you this is the worst government in history, if they are right then surely it must worry them that the Tories are now firmly in third place in pretty much every poll. The reason for the dire Tory position is a substantial movement of their 2024 vote to Reform, and in comparison Labour have only lost 8% of their 2024 vote to Reform in the latest YouGov…

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If the referendum was held today I think there’d be a different result, here’s the polling

If the referendum was held today I think there’d be a different result, here’s the polling

Looking at the polling, which isn’t out of line with other polling, shows first past the post is lacking support due its inherent unfairness, winning a majority of 172 on a vote share of 33.7% is inequitable, like cash, first past the post feels like an anachronism in the modern way. I suspect Nigel Farage will point out the unfairness and why Reform might not do as well in terms of seats as the polls suggest, as we can see…

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If today you’re confidently predicting the next general election result…

If today you’re confidently predicting the next general election result…

There are many reasons for not confidently predicting the outcome of the next election right now, I have mentioned them a few times on this website. For example there’s an awful long time to the next election, which could be nearly four and a half years away so a lot can change, first past the post can be cruel mistress and we could see utter anarchy with the results if three or four parties are polling in the early twenties/within…

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The resistible force meets the movable object

The resistible force meets the movable object

My expectation was for the Democrats to win control of the House in the 2026 midterms but looking at that first tweet then I am not so sure. The second tweet shows how the Democrats could win by default. Once the reality of tariffs hits the Americam average voter then I expect Trump and the Republican party will be rather unpopular by November 2026. TSE

If this becomes a long term trend then Tory MPs will become antsy about Badenoch

If this becomes a long term trend then Tory MPs will become antsy about Badenoch

Even if Labour slip to third place or lower and behind the Tories I suspect Tory MPs will get worried if they are still consistently behind Reform because that bodes ill for the long term. If the Tories remain behind both Reform & Labour then I think we reach a tipping point once it is confirmed in real elections. If Reform finish ahead of the Tories in both devolved elections next year then that’s curtains for Kemi Badenoch, you might…

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The Wrath of Khan

The Wrath of Khan

The revived plans for a third runway at Heathrow has brought out all the NIMBYs in London led by the mayor of London Sir Sadiq Khan. Looking ahead to the 2028 London mayoral election and I wonder if the announcement and resultant contretemps will damage Labour in this election with a mixture of those Labour NIMBYs annoyed at the plans whilst some will be outraged by Khan’s disloyalty. The election is held under first past the post now so it…

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Brexit, the UK’s prohibition era?

Brexit, the UK’s prohibition era?

Looking at this polling, which is in line with other polls, it is clear the public are unhappy with the current Brexit settlement. Last week there was talk that Kemi Badenoch may have to have a Khrushchev moment and denounce Liz Truss but a bigger moment where she has to denounce the Tory role in Brexit. Politicians often follow the lead of the public and it is clear rejoining the single market would be the minimum which would be a…

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