Who will flower in Scotland in 2026?

Who will flower in Scotland in 2026?

With the new Labour government led by Starmer proving to be the biggest disappointment since the Rings of Power there is time for Labour to recover by the time of the next UK general election there may not be enough for Labour to recover in Scotland by the time of the Holyrood election in 2026.

I was expecting the SNP lose power at Holyrood in 2026 because of their general performance in the eyes of voters (plus they’d have been in power for nineteen years by the time of the next Holyrood election) but now I have my doubts due to the performance of the Labour government so far. My prediction at the moment is the SNP win the most seats but a Unionist majority in terms of seats could remove them from office.

Sir Keir Starmer rightly earned the honorific Malleus Scotnatorum but he end up losing that title if he maintains his performance as PM.


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