It’s not getting any better for the Tories

It’s not getting any better for the Tories

I feel like the Ancient Mariner boring anybody I meet telling just how bad it is looking for the Tories. Two MRPs today are just further proof that the Tories are about to experience their Götterdämmerung on July 4th.

This is the stand out observation from the WeThink MRP ‘This means the Conservatives substantially underperform uniform swing. While Reform takes the most Conservative votes, Labour reaps the rewards. In every constituency, voters are taking the opportunity to kick the government’.

If that happens they I wouldn’t be surprised to see gamblers sell their families into indentured servitude to raise funds to sell the Tories/buy Labour on the spreads.

After July 5th I suspect the only way Rishi Sunak and all other Tories will be able to talk about the election defeat will be in a therapist’s office with dolls.


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