The betting moves back a notch to EdM

The betting moves back a notch to EdM

Candidate Best bookie price Betfair Back – Lay
David Miliband 2/5 1.43 – 1.45
Ed Miliband 9/4 3.4 – 3.5
Ed Balls 66/1 110 – 140
Andy Burnham 80/1 70 – 130
Diane Abbott 150/1 220 – 390

If the election is running to plan then the first ballot papers should be going out to qualified voters in the three sections of the electoral college at the end of next week.

So far the only firm polling evidence has been the single YouGov survey of party members and those trade unionists who are qualified to vote – but that is now nearly a month ago. A lot has happened since the end of July.

I’m continuing to maintain balanced positions on both DaveM and EdM and I’m well covered if one of the others sensationally stages a recovery. So whatever happens September 25th is going to be a nice pay-day.

The EdM campaign is the only one that is keeping me informed and it say that the telephone canvassing of union members has been producing a good reaction.

Who really knows? With a bit of luck there should be a new YouGov poll of eligible voters in the next week or so.

Mike Smithson

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