Powerful from The New York Times

Powerful from The New York Times

But will it shift any/many votes? I have my doubts. You’d have to be on the left hand side of the Bell curve if you aren’t worried by a Trump presidency. Forget his fascist tendencies for a moment, his plans for tariffs would be a disaster not just for America but the world. Donald Trump remains the favourite on Betfair and the polls generally indicate he will be the new Grover Cleveland. TSE

Trump v the Deep State:  Who wins?

Trump v the Deep State:  Who wins?

While the polls are still 50-50, there are signs the betting markets are moving towards Trump.  I don’t have anything very useful to add to that, other than amazement that Harris is still in the game when consistently well over 60% of Americans think the country is on the wrong track, and under 30% think it’s on the right one.  This is quite the testimony to Trump’s negatives, and Harris’ basic likeability, whatever you think of her other qualities as…

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Diagnosing the NHS

Diagnosing the NHS

This is something that has been done many, many times before by lots of medical professionals, politicians, think tanks and other various people attached to the NHS in some way. We have had the insiders view, the outsiders view, the private healthcare view and on exceedingly rare occasions, patient views. How will this be any different? I guess it won’t, at least it won’t set out to be different for the sake of it. One of the first things I’d…

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Gone but not forgotten

Gone but not forgotten

Today is the second anniversary of the end of the premiership of Liz Truss. I am very fond of Liz Truss and her tenure as Prime Minister because her resignation allowed me to win £500. I suspect Labour are similarly fond of Liz Truss because her disastrous tenure which spooked the markets, sacked her Chancellor, the utter poop show on the fracking vote which led to the Chief Whip & Deputy Chief Whip resigning, and of course the lettuce. History…

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Americans have issues

Americans have issues

Earlier on this year I thought abortion would be the key factor that would help the Dems retain the White House next month as it would drive their base to turnout and vote but the closer we get to the election it’s the economy, stupid, then immigration which favours Donald Trump. TSE