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Author: TSE

If only Sunak had waited a fortnight?

If only Sunak had waited a fortnight?

If Sunak had delayed the election by a fortnight then the circumstances of election day may have been different if England had won Euro 2024 both in England and Scotland. I don’t think the outcome of a soccer tournament would have shifted many, if any, votes in England or Scotland. The National’s front page confirms that Scottish Nationalism is nothing but civic and joyous. It’s all moot anyway, as a patriotic Englishman it pains me to say this but Spain…

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Braverman’s leadership bid is like a visit to a gay bar

Braverman’s leadership bid is like a visit to a gay bar

In the early 2000s in Manchester a lot of heterosexual women used to go to The Village in Manchester because it was mostly full of LGBT men and they knew they wouldn’t get hit on. Eventually heterosexual men started to follow and a minority got upset when LGBT men used to hit on them, I mean as a man you go to a gay bar/club you should expect to get chatted up on, so losing your mates and pissing off…

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It feels like a tipping point has been reached with Biden

It feels like a tipping point has been reached with Biden

In the last few days it appears plenty of Dems are prepared to go on record saying they want Biden to stand down as the nominee, it is expected that number will increase once Biden has completed his duties at the NATO summit. Individual gaffes and poor performances can be dismissed but the cumulative effect of them are excessive and place a supererogatory burden on the Biden’s chances of being the nominee and winning the election in November. With the…

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The Tory soap opera continues

The Tory soap opera continues

If the Tories want to look like a party ready to win a general election. they really need to ditch this melodrama and choose serious people for the leadership and senior roles. Neither Braverman or Badenoch meet the above criteria. To quote Logan Roy you’re not serious people. TSE

Suella the martyr (ruder nouns are available)

Suella the martyr (ruder nouns are available)

This intervention from Suella Braverman makes me think she knows she’s doomed in the Tory leadership contest and is look for a ‘Hail Mary’ moment like this or is looking for an excuse to be kicked out of the Tory party so she can look like a martyr and defect to Reform. Imagine getting triggered by a flag. Some Tories are already asking Sunak to expel Braverman for these comments. One of the reasons why I don’t think being antiwoke…

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How the pollsters fared in Scotland

How the pollsters fared in Scotland

I wonder if the future of polling in Britan will not be MRPs or the usual national VI polls but sticking to geographical polling. In Scotland the standard voting intention polls largely spotted the repudiation of the SNP at the ballot, and losing a third of your voters counts as a repudiation. I am starting to think the MRPs led to poor resource targeting by some parties which does have an impact. As expected Alba didn’t have any real impact….

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