In 2027 will I be writing ‘Shortly there will be an election, in which Labour will increase its majority’?

The screen grab above is from yesterday’s Sunday Times, like most of Starmer’s inner circle I think this is a bananas ideas for several reasons.
Let us say that Badenoch proves to be a disappointment and is replaced, a new leader might experience a new leader bounce which would be sub-optimal for Labour’s chances. The memories of Gordon Brown & Theresa May and snaps elections (hyped but not held and not hyped but held) will also focus minds. Also, having been elected with a majority of 172 then going to the country much sooner than planned isn’t the norm.
The key factor for me is that Starmer is following the Thatcher/Cameron approach which is to do the difficult things early in the parliament then reaping the rewards closer to end of the parliament would be at risk with a snap election.
I am not putting any money on a 2027 election.