Fraser Nelson is right

Fraser Nelson is right

For the better part of a decade shrewd punters made decent profits laying David Miliband in the next Labour leader markets and I suspect that’s going to be the case for Boris Johnson too. Plenty of us made money by laying Boris Johnson in the second Tory leadership contest of 2022 and the one to succeed Rishi Sunak will almost certainly yield profits too.

One of the primary reasons I said Boris Johnson would make for a terrible Prime Minister is that he was too lazy for the role and the same applies to being Leader of the Opposition. I don’t think he fancies the laborious duties of that job. Party members will also remember where Boris Johnson was during this campaign, as he misunderstand Winston Churchill’s ‘we shall fight on the beaches’ comment.

There’s also the logistics of getting into the House of Commons where you can see left wing voters coalescing around the candidate best to stop Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage’s Limited Company will also try and humiliate Boris Johnson in the by election after Boris Johnson rightly called out Nigel Farage’s appeasement towards Putin.


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