Home Alone 2 star found guilty on all 34 counts in criminal case
Trump taken down by a porn star and a Pecker
When I heard the jury had reached a swift verdict my expectation was Trump to be found not guilty so this is quite the result.
I am currently up to my eyeballs on drugs fighting a viral infection so I will need to think about this but my expectation is that this is sub-optimal for Trump given the number of voters who said they will not vote for a convicted felon for President.
The Betfair betting market has had a but of a moment which is great news for those of us who have been backing Biden/laying Trump as we can see over the last five days
The next two pivotal moments in this market will be the debate on the 27th of June where I expect Trump to scweam and scweam about how unfair it is then sentencing day will be the next pivotal moment. Although if the Insurrectionist-in-Chief gets his fans angry and rioting then that helps Biden again.