Brace yourselves, we’re going to be talking about electoral reform a lot going forward

Brace yourselves, we’re going to be talking about electoral reform a lot going forward

I try not to be smug but being a member of the Tories for electoral reform was a lonely business like but seeing more and more Tories embrace electoral reform is encouraging but I wish they had done something about it when the Tories were in power.

Much like how the a Tory PM introduced Section 28 to a Tory PM introducing same-sex marriage I suspect a Tory leader will go from defending first past the post to putting in a manifesto commitment for getting rid of first past the post.

One thing that will stupidly underpin this thinking is that all those Reform voters will give their second votes to the Tories which will lead to a Tory election victory at the general election which is going to be a mistaken assumption.


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