Another difficult Tory by-election defence

Another difficult Tory by-election defence

A by-election is expected to take place in 2024 in the UK Parliament constituency of Wellingborough following a 2023 recall petition that removed the incumbent MP Peter Bone. Even though he had a huge majority at GE2019 the Tory record since GE2019 has been dismal. It is hard to see a CON hold. Mike Smithson

Trump will again triumph

Trump will again triumph

Overnight the very fine justices of the Colorado Supreme Court ruled wannabe dictator Donald Trump was ineligible to run for President for his attempted insurrection in January 2021 and at first it seems like bad news for Trump however it might end up helping him. Ultimately the Supreme Court of the United States will decide on whether Trump can stand and I expect the majority will rule in favour of Trump because they are either Trump’s appointees or men of…

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Next Sunak will announce water is wet

Next Sunak will announce water is wet

Last night Rishi Sunak confirmed that the next general election will take place next year, this isn’t a surprise to me or anybody else. Only an idiot would hold a general election in 2025 that would see the election campaign that would straddle the Christmas & New Year period. Only the heir to the throne of the kingdom of idiots would hold a general election in 2025 that would see the election campaign that would straddle the Christmas & New…

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Replacing the irreplaceable

Replacing the irreplaceable

With the sad news that Mark Drakeford will stand down as Welsh First Minister and Welsh Labour leader in March there is a market on his replacement. If you think it is going to be Vaughan Gething then you can get a near 62% return in three months. I think Welsh Labour will be using the alternative voting system which may make the voting a bit more complicated but who wins will struggle to replace the real Prince of Wales…

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Too many tweets, Part II

Too many tweets, Part II

David Cameron was right on so many things, his maxim about Twitter was prescient and an indicia of the great man’s brilliance and humour. It has been over fourteen years since those comments and some politicians still haven’t learned the lesson but there’s now a different problem for politicians when it comes Twitter, we shall call this the X rated problem. As we can see in the above Tweets when politicians post palpable nonsense then community notes will appear pointing…

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Too many tweets, Part I

Too many tweets, Part I

I never knew how annoying I was until I created miniature versions of myself and spent time with them, I suspect the teenagers who are currently running the Tory Twitter account will have a similar epiphany when they become parents. The post from the Tory Party’s Twitter account was derided at the time by Tory MPs who urged the tweet to be deleted because they realised it would be counter productive. This tweet was sadly not an exception, when the…

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Like Boris Johnson, Rishi Sunak uses his chopper with reckless abandon

Like Boris Johnson, Rishi Sunak uses his chopper with reckless abandon

Nothing better epitomises Rishi Sunak being an arrogant, out of touch elitist than the way he mounts his chopper on a regular basis. Brilliant political analysts have warned Sunak for a while that this is going to damage him such as this piece here from August, what is different now Sunak’s behaviour has taken away money from the Ministry of Defence, short of Sunak punching a NHS nurse on live TV I am not sure how the optics could look…

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Swingers Club News

Swingers Club News

No, you haven’t logged on to the wrong forum (well, maybe – only you know for sure). Sometime next year I expect the broadcasters will be brushing the dust off their swingometers, giving them a fresh lick of paint, and oiling the needle pivot in readiness for the long-awaited General Election.  I have a tip for broadcasters: “You’re gonna need a bigger dial”. The current Labour lead averages about 18-19%.  At the last election the Tories won by 11.7%.  Unless…

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