What are the chances of Trump NOT being the GOP nominee?

What are the chances of Trump NOT being the GOP nominee?

The latest betting exchange odds on Trump being the WH2024 GOP nominee rate Trump as about a 70% chance. To me this sounds to be on the high side given the mounting criminal indictments he is facing and a new factor highlighted in the YouTube video linked to above. This is because someone who did what he did on January 6th 2021 cannot in good faith take the oath of office if he did get re-elected. The MSNBC video goes…

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Is Nicola Sturgeon an agent of MI5?

Is Nicola Sturgeon an agent of MI5?

Yes, the headline is a shameless attempt to enter the QTWTAIN hall of fame/shame but it does raise an interesting point. MI5 are the best intelligence agency in the world, they have form for infiltrating organisations who wish break up and destroy the United Kingdom, famously with the IRA and prior to that the world changing Double-Cross system in World War II when every German agent in the UK was turned, so it would be no surprise if MI5 infiltrated…

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Where’s Willy?

Where’s Willy?

England’s senior teams qualifying for football world cup finals are rarer than a decent Radiohead album or Boris Johnson telling the truth so the Lionesses reaching today’s world cup final is a pretty special occasion which is why the country wants Prince William to be there in Sydney this morning. The royals have erred in not sending somebody to Australia, you know the royals have screwed up badly when even the pro-monarchy Daily Mail criticises Prince William’s failure to attend….

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A great resource for all who follow UK politics

A great resource for all who follow UK politics

The link to the above from the Commons library is well worth saving because of the mass of information that is available about every single Commons constituency with the new boundaries. It is well-ordered and the more you become familiar with what is available the better. Thanks to David Cowling for the link. Mike Smithson

The only lesson.

The only lesson.

7 murdered babies. Attempts to murder 7 more. A hospital’s reputation in ruins. (Oh – and another inquiry to report on all the lessons to be learnt. Like the ones not learnt from previous inquiries. Just as these ones won’t be.) It is not too cynical to say that care for the hospital’s reputation – rather than investigating serious concerns about staff responsible for babies in their care – was almost certainly one of the main reasons why senior NHS…

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What would be happening if Corbyn was still LAB leader

What would be happening if Corbyn was still LAB leader

This polling is, of course, completely hypothetical but it does show the ongoing problem that Starmer’s predecessor had. By the time of GE2019 he was a huge negative for Labour. An Opinium on the day poll in December 2019 found that the overwhelming reason why former GE2017 LAB voters had switched was because of Corbyn – NOT because of Boris Johnson. My problem with the poll is what it is asking of those sampled. Whatever it is interesting nevertheless. Mike…

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A Biden ad featuring just a Trump speech

A Biden ad featuring just a Trump speech

I like this from the Biden Team – a campaign ad consisting of an extract from a Trump speech. Very clearly the strongest message Biden has is the need to stop Trump who is liked by his base but that is simply not enough. Both of them are too old but it is hard to see the November election being other than a repeat of WH2020. Mike Smithson

Why it’s becoming harder for a WH2024 Trump victory

Why it’s becoming harder for a WH2024 Trump victory

This is a very good point from @PaulMotty because if Trump is struggling in Georgia the range of options to secure the 270 electoral college votes required for victory are very limited indeed. A big point about US Presidential Elections is that they are won and lost in the battleground states almost all of which allocate their electoral college votes on a winner takes all basis. Amongst all the states only Maine and Nebraska, do not have winner-takes all. In…

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