Gone but not forgotten

Gone but not forgotten

Today is the second anniversary of the end of the premiership of Liz Truss. I am very fond of Liz Truss and her tenure as Prime Minister because her resignation allowed me to win £500.

I suspect Labour are similarly fond of Liz Truss because her disastrous tenure which spooked the markets, sacked her Chancellor, the utter poop show on the fracking vote which led to the Chief Whip & Deputy Chief Whip resigning, and of course the lettuce.

History has shown once you mess around with the mortgages and house prices of the British electorate then there is a long lasting damage to that party. I expect that at the next few elections Labour will keep on reminding voters of the Liz Truss interregnum because quite frankly only Radiohead have a worse record than Liz Truss.


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