Braverman’s leadership bid is like a visit to a gay bar

Braverman’s leadership bid is like a visit to a gay bar

In the early 2000s in Manchester a lot of heterosexual women used to go to The Village in Manchester because it was mostly full of LGBT men and they knew they wouldn’t get hit on.

Eventually heterosexual men started to follow and a minority got upset when LGBT men used to hit on them, I mean as a man you go to a gay bar/club you should expect to get chatted up on, so losing your mates and pissing off the gays occasionally happened so Suella Braverman can relate to that.

Her strident attitude and her carping before the election and her shameful comments after the election have destroyed any chance of her succeeding Rishi Sunak. A fun betting market would be to see whether Braverman defects to Reform.


PS – I have spent many happys nights in The Village over the last twenty-four years, particularly in Poptastic, if you’ve never been to The Village then fill the gap in your life, you won’t regret it.

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