Brexiteers, you may need a stiff drink

Brexiteers, you may need a stiff drink

Brexit isn’t working

Brexit isn’t going very well in the eyes of the public, this finding from Ipsos isn’t atypical from what other pollsters find. The reality is neither major GB wide parties are where the public currently are. I acknowledge that thinking Brexit is going negatively that there’s no automaticity that people will want to Rejoin.

The reality is the Brexit status quo is unsustainable and eventually one or both parties will give the people what they want, that’s politics. I suspect if the Tories try and campaign at the next election with lines like ‘Labour will reverse Brexit’ that might actually lead to a polling boost for Labour.

Whilst I do think some of the unpopularity of Brexit is tied into the unpopularity of the current government Brexit will not become popular if and when we have a Labour government.

I recently read this Twitter thread about Brexit actually resembles America’s Sharia law phase, Prohibition. It is worth reading.


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