The Tory leadership is wrong on Scottish tactical voting

The leader of the Scottish Conservatives Douglas Ross has been wrapped on the knuckles by the party’s London bosses for suggesting that voters north of the border should tactically vote Labour in certain seats in order to keep the SNP out.
He’s been forced to withdraw comments following the intervention of the national party.
Ross is right here and the Sunak leadership is wrong and have shown that they simply don’t understand Scottish politics.
For ever since the huge rise of the SNP following the 2014 IndyRef there has been a strong pattern of Labour, Lib Dem and Tory voters getting behind the candidate in their constituency most likely to stop the SNP.
My guess is that this practice, which arguably has helped the Tories win more Scottish seats overall, will continue whatever the London bosses might say.
The real problem here is the first past the post-voting system.