Sanders shows biggest weakness in the overnight Democratic Nominee debate: his age

Sanders shows biggest weakness in the overnight Democratic Nominee debate: his age

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After the massive disappointment for the Hillary campaign in Tuesday’s New Hampshire primary it was back to a live TV debate overnight with the 74 year old victor in the primary, socialist Bernie Sanders.

In the aftermath of New Hampshire Andy Burnham (remember him?) Tweeted that he knew how Hillary felt that morning. The big difference is that the former LAB cabinet minister is no Clinton and attempting to compare with her made him look presumptuous and foolish.

The debate was a big event for Hillary and she needed a good performance to get her campaign back on track. I thought she did well. This was Taegan Goddard’s verdict on Political Wire:

“Hillary Clinton easily won the debate. She was confident, knew the issues and didn’t let Sanders rattle her. The New York Times reported she had media training this week and it showed.

In contrast, Sanders seemed tired, rarely smiled and was best when he was angry. He’s still great at framing the key issues of the campaign. But his phrasing is so similar in every debate that he may soon be accused of having a Marco Rubio robot problem.”

On Betfair Clinton is still evens favourite to become next President.

I think that the biggest threat to her is not Sanders or Trump but Bloomberg. If he does launch a 3rd party effort that could hurt the Clinton campaign most.

Mike Smithson

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