Betfair sees £2m of matched IndyRef bets in just 36 hours as the polls continue to move up and down

Betfair sees £2m of matched IndyRef bets in just 36 hours as the polls continue to move up and down

The IndyRef is proving to be one of the biggest UK political betting events of all time with a colossal £2m. being matched on Betfair alone since mid-afternoon on Wednesday.

This, of course, is being driven by the polls with large amounts going on as different pictures emerge. The chart shows the current (0005 Friday) and the changes since 1545 on Wednesday.

I’ve never known polling to have such an influence on the betting nor have we seen betting at these levels.

I quote the Betfair figures because these are publicly available but I’ve little doubt that the traditional bookmakers and the spread firms are experiencing the same activity boosts.

I’m still maintaining a level all green book on the September 18th outcome having traded a fair bit, in the past couple of days.

Mike Smithson

2004-2014: The view from OUTSIDE the Westminster bubble

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