Obama is edging back in the national polls

Obama is edging back in the national polls

The betting moves a notch back to Barack

After a week and a half when all the polling has been in one direction there are just some signs that Obama is recovering from the blows he received from his lacklustre performance in the first Presidential Debate.

The latest Washington Post/ABC News poll has the President leading by 49% to 46% which compares with 49-47 a fortnight ago and before the Denver debate.

    One problem at the moment is that there are far fewer battleground state surveys than we had in 2008 when the outcome seemed more clear-cut.

    Iowa, for instance, has had just a single poll in October. Hopefully that will change as we get closer to November 6th.

In the betting the move is now towards Obama and from Romney.

So much depends on how the media narrative about this elections is affected by tomorrow’s second Obama-Romney debate.

Mike Smithson

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