How is Charles Clarke bucking the trend?

How is Charles Clarke bucking the trend?

A CON – LAB swing – Eh?

There’s a new poll out from Ipsos-MORI on Norwich South where ex-home secretary and fierce Brown critic, Charles Clarke, is facing a tough fight with the Tories, LDs and the Greens.

The numbers with changes on the 2005 election: LAB 39%(+2): CON 20%(-2), LD 19%(-11):, GRN 19%(+12).

The voting intention question listed all the candidates names as well as their parties and like with all Ipsos-MORI poll the sample was not past voted weighted.

I think Anthony Wells is right to highlight that a CON-LAB swing in a specifics seat when all the national polls are in the opposite direction looks strange.

But who knows?

Mike Smithson

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