PB Nighthawks is open
Home of the web’s best political conversation
Relax, and converse into the night on the day’s events.
If you’ve always been a lurker, and you Wannabe be a poster on PB, then this thread is for you, Spice Up Your Life by posting on PB, Stop being a lurker.
The round up of recent events (click on the links below, and it will bring up the relevant story)
- Ed Miliband, the new Ronald Reagan?
- Ed Miliband, the new Bill Clinton?
- John O’Farrell explains why he is standing in Eastleigh
- John O’Farrell, I’d vote Lib Dem to keep the Tories out of a marginal
- John O’Farrell’s big economic plan (maybe NSFW)
- A New Hope for Scottish Independence as the Nationalists Strike Back
- Do women really want Ed Miliband to be Prime Minister?
- There was a time when devaluation ended careers and governments
- Mark Pack’s Eastleigh by-election round up
- For the Nasty party, this won’t help.
- For those of us holding Michael Gove next out of the cabinet at 25/1 betting slips.