What are Ministers for?

What are Ministers for?

A key issue in the Post Office (“PO”) scandal is what the government, was doing – or not – while it happened. It is not within the inquiry’s scope, that being written by politicians and civil servants whose behaviour, or that of their predecessors, would otherwise be uncomfortably scrutinised. Let’s look anyway. The self-image of publicly owned entities is exemplified by the National Coal Board. Miners proudly held signs saying collieries were now managed ‘On Behalf Of The People‘. Alas,…

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Have a good cry Argentina, you have earned it

Have a good cry Argentina, you have earned it

In the UK we can sometimes get carried away demonising our politicians. But let’s be honest neither Rishi Sunak nor Keir Starmer are going to frighten anyone, they are as scary as a cup of hot Horlicks at bedtime. Argentina of the other hand has decided to show the world what scary looks like. Argentina by any measure should be one of the world’s richest countries. A large agricultural sector, large reserves of precious metals, oil, gas and a sizeable…

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Can Cameron make Sunak’s election challenge any easier

Can Cameron make Sunak’s election challenge any easier

Or is he now a discredited figure? Ever since Cameron stopped being PM after the UK voted for Brexit there have been a series of stories about how he has been earning a living. I have always ignored such reporting but it could be relevant now given his return to the political stage. No doubt Labour is digging furiously to find if there are any negatives that would undermine him and of course the PM. This is from the Guardian’s…

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Can there be anything more symbolic than Monday’s Indy front page?

Can there be anything more symbolic than Monday’s Indy front page?

This is a hard one for Sunak to deal with For those of my generation the news that the news that the boss of Saatchi & Saatchi has turned on the Tores is a big deal. This was the agency that played a huge part in the Maggie Thatcher election successes of the 1980s and for the boss to come out now and back Starmer is the perfect symbol of where Tory politics is now. Now doubt we are going…

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Fewer than half of Tory voters want Sunak to keep Braverman as Home Secretary

Fewer than half of Tory voters want Sunak to keep Braverman as Home Secretary

Her tenure as Minister for Hate Home Secretary shows why she is egregiously unfit to hold any office. Sacking her might see Sunak get a smidgeon of a poll boost. She’s even more unpopular with Tory MPs. I expect her ratings to collapse further after yesterday’s incidents at the Cenotaph which makes her a clear lay in the next Tory leader market. TSE