Ipsos-MORI has the LDs at a post-GE2010 high with a big increase in awareness of Joe Swinson if not her net satisfaction figures
NEW @IpsosMORI /@standardnews POLL Good news and bad news for Boris Johnson. THREAD Good news for Johnson. Cons lead by 10pts Headline voting intention (likely voters) Conservatives 34%Labour 24%Lib Dem 20%Brexit Party 9%Green 6%SNP 4Others 4% Cons were +2 in June* — Keiran Pedley (@keiranpedley) August 1, 2019 New @IpsosMORI / @standardnews Satisfaction with Jo Swinson's performance as Lib Dem leader Satisfied 35% (+7)Dissatisfied 40% (+12)Don't know 25% (-19)Net -5 (-5) 79% of Lib Dem supporters satisfied. Changes from July….