The annual St John PB Christmas crossword

1 Labour MP declared bonuses (8)
5 Politician on god’s side? (6)
9 Opening up most of UK city – no way! (8)
10 Country with a European President (6)
12 Muse over a Tory stuffing! (5)
13 PM to strongly admire, not starting in political office (9)
14 Blair has expressed Churchill’s Cold War diplomacy ably (6,6)
18 Notes written in blue by a musical Tory (6,6)
21 Journalist by trade originally covers item honouring US President (5,4)
23 Sound place to eat in Washington (5)
24 Tory after losing leadership pursues the French Premier for instance (6)
25 Vice President working for President Ford (8)
26 Globe travelling captures the essence of Air Force One (6)
27 European President’s calm taking on the Spanish broadcaster (8)
1 What Cameron partly called Boris’ Napoleon issue? (6)
2 Berlin is a leader of industry – that’s understood (6)
3 Attraction Johnson never tires of – a looker! (6,3)
4 PM in office in months before capturing Amin (4,8)
6 Delighted to be broadcasting (2,3)
7 Soviet letter from Zinoviev stops Asquith backing Chamberlain, when addressed informally (8)
8 “Return of Pan’s People” – oddly left to a quick vote? (4,4)
11 It’s virtually criminal attacking the state as we face Barry Gardiner’s last amendment (12)
15 Most of the county supports leaderless party getting back again (9)
16 Tory minister once left Labour and Liberal leaders in Number Ten (8)
17 Unexpected drop in tax? (8)
19 Return of One Direction is an aim of some Greeks (6)
20 Revolutionary French soldier is a Republican (6)
22 Immature Leader of the House once (5)
A printable version of the crossword grid can be downloaded by hitting the download button below.
Printable version with clues here.
There’s also an online solvable version here.
St John has been solving and compiling cryptic crosswords since he was 13 years old. This year he has twice won The Sunday Times Clue Writing contest and came 51st in The Times Crossword Championship. Today’s Christmas Political Crossword has been test solved and edited by a “crack team” of regular Times Crossword solvers who have given it their approval.