Sunak has had almost no impact on the election betting

Sunak has had almost no impact on the election betting

It is early days yet of course but so far Sunak does not seem to have had any impact on the next general election betting. Maybe this is because his arrival has been what the market has expected for well over a year.

This will change of course and the new leader’s first big priority is to try to turn the polling situation aiming at least to get the Tory deficit down to single figures.

What we do know about Sunak is that everything will be very measured and thought through before it gets to the stage of announcements. He is almost the opposite of Liz truss in many respects which is no bad thing.

A big problem for the Tories is that they’ve been in power for so long that there is inevitably going to be a desire for change. In previous times the Tories have managed to beat this off by attacking the Labour leader but Starmer is proving to be a tougher nut to crack.

Maybe the big objective for the Tories next time will be to prevent a LAB majority.

These are not good times for a Tory leader.

Mike Smithson

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