Sunak edging closer in the CON leader betting

Now it’ll be driven by the Starmer comparison polls
As can be seen the next CON leader betting has got a tad tighter with Truss moving down a bit from the betting boost she got from making it to the final two.
What we have not seen since last night is named leader Westminster voting polling. Which one of the two will appear to have the Tories doing better when compared to Keir Starmer? The first such polls should come over the weekend.
My guess is that the lead that Sunak has had in this polling will be carried over to the final stage of the leadership campaign – the membership vote.
We should also see some more Tory member leadership voting polls but it should be noted that so far these have appeared a bit erratic.
One area where Truss and Sunak will be questioned is whether there will be a role for Johnson if they become PM. I think we know what Sunak’s response will be but what about Truss? There is still a fair amount of Boris support amongst members.