The odds here on Boris staying till 2024 should be longer

Could Tory punters be over-estimating their leader
One of the big political betting features of the past couple of months is how much the betting markets over-stated Tory chances of retaining Chesham & Amersham and taking Batley & Spen. For long periods with the former there was a lot of money going the Tories as a 95% chance and even on the eve of the election you could have got 10/1 or better with Betfair on the LDs.
This was in spite of the fact that the seat had voted Remain and the electorate comprised a much higher than average proportion of graduates – both very good pointers for the LDs in a Westminster by-election.
Two weeks later at Batley the Tories maintained themselves as a 75% chance right until election day. Here there was some explanation in that a constituency poll had put the blue 6% ahead.
I just wonder whether punters over-estimating BoJo’s Tories is something that is happening at the moment and that is relevant in relation to the Johnson exit year betting.
One of the things we haven’t had for a couple of years are party conferences “in the flesh”. That’s going to change in later September for LAB and early October for CON. These will help us get a sense of the mood of the party at the grassroot level.
I think the 55% on him being there in 2024 is a lay.
Mike Smithson
UPDATE: These are the markeThis market relates to whether the UK government re-introduces any legally enforceable restrictions on social contact in England related to the spread of coronavirus, following the legal end of restrictions on social contact (currently expected to take place on 19 July 2021). Examples may include, but are not limited to, the mandatory wearing of face masks on public transport or the closure of pubs/nightclubs. For the purposes of this market, restrictions will not include any regulations on international travel or any regulations related to self-isolation or quarantine. For the purposes of this market, ‘re-introduce’ does not require any restrictions to exactly replicate previous restrictions. If the UK government does not end restrictions on social contact in 2021, and thus could not ‘re-introduce’ restrictions, this market will be void. Dates in this market relate to when any restrictions come into force in England, rather than the date on which they are announced. All times and dates in this market are in UK time. Clarification (14 July 2021): This market refers to mandatory England-wide measures introduced by the UK government. Any measures that are introduced locally or by individual companies (e.g. Transport for London only) will not count towards the settlement of this market. Clarification (6 September 2021): If ‘vaccination passports’ are required for entry to nightclubs or other events, this market will be settled for yes, so long as the measure satisfies the other conditions in the market rules, i.e. that it is mandatory, implemented by the UK government, England-wide and legally enforceable. Clarification (12 October 2021): If vaccines become mandatory for people working in care homes at any point in 2021 ( this market will be settled for yes, so long as the measure satisfies the other conditions in the market rules, i.e. that it is mandatory, implemented by the UK government, England-wide and legally enforceable.