This isn’t going to go down well in White House – Trump named “Loser of the Year”

This isn’t going to go down well in White House – Trump named “Loser of the Year”

This moves comes 5 weeks after it became clear that Trump had lost the election something that he has totally refused to accept. Such is his influence within the Republican party that 100+ party members of the House and the vast majority of members of the Senate feel unable to go on the record of acknowledging that Joe Biden will be next President.

As part of his effort to delegitimise the outcome Trump has been maintaining in the key states that swing against him that there must have been electoral fraud. All this without providing any evidence.

Later on today the Supreme Court is due to rule on a move by the state of Texas to trying to invalidate the outcomes in four of the states.

The view a legal experts in the US is that this latest action is going to flop like the 50 other similar actions that have already failed. No court is going to rule that the votes of large groups of people don’t count.

Being a piss-poor loser going to be Trump’s legacy. More fool him.

Mike Smithson

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