At 100/1 or longer Osborne, DMiliband & TBlair for next LD leader – totally daft or might there be something there?

At 100/1 or longer Osborne, DMiliband & TBlair for next LD leader – totally daft or might there be something there?

Above is the Ladbrokes market for next Liberal Democrat leader. Clearly this is not something that is going to come to fruition quickly though my guess is that the party will have a different person at the top by the time of the General Election if that happens in 2022. That is still a long way off and a lot of things will have happened by then.

What is striking about the list are the three names that I have highlighted. They are all former “big beasts” who are well known. David Miliband, George Osborne, and Tony Blair have all been right at the top of British politics in recent times but none of them is currently an MP.

Clearly none of the three is a LibDem though probably all three are closest to the yellows on Brexit than LAB or CON.

We are going through a political upheaval and anything could happen. If a new force was to be created then the leader would have to have credibility and be well known. I think Blair is probably out of it but you could just envisage Osborne or DMiliband playing a part in such a movement which then, perhaps, embraced the LDs in some form.

Am I tempted to bet? No.

Mike Smithson

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