The EURef betting moves a notch to REMAIN following the latest from Tusk

The EURef betting moves a notch to REMAIN following the latest from Tusk


The EU Negotiations: Will what Cameron says is “substantial change” be enough?

What a 24 hours. With all eyes and a lot of money at stake in Iowa we can now turn to the latest in Cameron’s EU negotiations and the publication of draft proposals from Mr. Tusk.

It looks as though Cameron has made some progress but clearly this is going to be a hard sell to his party. There are some blue MPs and ministers who will accept nothing but a total withdrawal and they are not going to be pacified by anything that these talks bring.

But it’s the electorate at large not eurosceptic CON MPs who’ll decide and how Cameron presents to them will be all important.

LEAVE’s biggest problem is that so far it has not painted a convincing picture of what being out would look like – the same weakness as the SNP in the 2014 IndyRef.

This is one election outcome on which so far I’ve not risked any money. My lay of Trump (bet that he wouldn’t do it) in Iowa overnight has made it a nice pay day but I’m not yet tempted to bet on the referendum.

Mike Smithson

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