Will Ed Balls be able to score today?

Will Ed Balls be able to score today?

Could the growth figures create an opportunity for Labour?

This morning we get the growth figures for Q3 2011 and last night shadow chancellor Ed Balls was preparing the ground by setting out what he thought the coalition should have been achieving.

For this regular event provides one of the few opportunities for the opposition to call ministers to account on their management of the economy.

Balls knows the form as well as anybody and has been reminding everybody what the original forecasts the year were.

It’s pretty clear that this morning’s numbers are not going to be near the 1.3% that would be needed to meet the original OBR forecast and this gives a great platform for Balls to challenge the whole economic strategy of the government.

There’s little doubt that ministers are sensitive – hence yesterday’s announcement by Nick Clegg on capital projects.

The detail should be out by 9.30am.


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