Who’ll be up and who’ll be down?

Who’ll be up and who’ll be down?


    The latest YouGov tracker poll is embargoed until midnight

After making their tracker data available to PB.C exclusively last week YouGov is now issuing it to all the press and has put a midnight embargo on it. So I’ll have to wait until then before I can publish it on the site.

This is the data from the pollster’s daily brand index survey which involves surveying 600 people each day about their perceptions of major brand names. Reactions to some leading politicians are also included and this is what YouGov provided PB.C with last week.

All I can say is that there are some surprises and do not read anything into my choice of pictures at the top. These are the “starting positions” from last week.

Tony. Jul 28: Good 23: Bad 62: DK 13

Gordon Jul 28: Good 38: Bad 41: DK 21

Dave Jul 28: Good 41: Bad 26: DK 33

Ming Jul 28: Good 17: Bad 38: DK 45

My personal betting. Thanks to everybody who contributed to the previous thread and for being so supportive. I’m sitting here having just received the first part of the advance on my book on political betting and the thought of not using at least part of it to gamble goes against the grain. I’ll reflect on the thread and report back.

Mike Smithson

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