Fewer don’t knows and a greater certainty to vote give the LDs a 3 percent post-conference boost

Fewer don’t knows and a greater certainty to vote give the LDs a 3 percent post-conference boost

The Monday Populus online poll it out and shows CON, LAB and UKIP unchanged with the Lib Dems moving up from 11% to 14%

Looking at the detail and comparing it with other recent polls from the firm most of the movement for the LDs is as a result of fewer GE2010 voters who were saying don’t know now saying they are voting for Clegg’s party. There is also a greater certainty to vote.

All this is fairly normal for a post conference poll especially when the event has not gone down too badly.

The fieldwork started on Friday so many of those sampled are likely to have responded before UKIP’s Godfrey Bloom began making the headlines.

Mike Smithson

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