What Brits think about the Big Mac eating surrender monkey’s plans for Ukraine

What Brits think about the Big Mac eating surrender monkey’s plans for Ukraine

Do you think a peace treaty negotiated between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin on the Ukraine conflict would be better for Ukraine or better for Russia?Better for Russia than Ukraine: 51%More of a compromise for both sides: 23%Better for Ukraine than Russia: 5%yougov.co.uk/topics/polit…

YouGov (@yougov.co.uk) 2025-02-13T17:00:21.322Z

If the US negotiates a peace deal with Russia without involving Ukraine that leaves Russia in control of some conquered territory, and Ukraine does not accept the terms of the deal, what do you think Europe and the UK should do? ?yougov.co.uk/topics/polit…

YouGov (@yougov.co.uk) 2025-02-13T16:51:31.365Z


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