It’s getting harder to see how this ends

It’s getting harder to see how this ends

The big story overnight from Israel has been the attack on the hospital and the reports of the huge toll of inmates being killed. Both sides seem to be working hard on the public relations front to get over that they were not to blame. If this carries on much longer it’s hard to see any sort of early ending and there will be many more mistaken bombings like this one. They just make it harder for any sort of…

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The polling chart that won’t help Sunak keep his job

The polling chart that won’t help Sunak keep his job

Would the Tories do better with another change of leader? At the weekend yet another pollster, Opinium, came out with Sunak’s ratings in sharp decline and there is little doubt that Rishi is struggling with public opinion. The chart says it all with the PM’s net rating down to minus 30%. As we get closer to the latest date that the election has to be held the main parties take stock of themselves and inevitably the question is raised over…

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Andy Burnham backers please explain yourselves

Andy Burnham backers please explain yourselves

Alastair Meeks has alerted me to this interesting aspect on the next Labour leader market as seen in the tweets above. Andy Burnham is currently the Mayor of Greater Manchester, which means he’s also the Police & Crime Commissioner for the area, that prevents him from being concurrently the Mayor and a member of parliament which presents a bit of a problem for Burnham to succeed Starmer. I don’t think Labour could successfully pull off the Earl of Home trick…

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It’s the housing costs, stupid?

It’s the housing costs, stupid?

One of the reasons I expect the Tories to be out of office for more than one term is the increase in mortgages and rents inspired by the Liz Truss premiership. This is something the voters do not forget and often take ages to forgive. The only sliver of good news for the Tories is that their elderly base haven’t been as badly impacted as other age groups, which is usually a result of them having paid off their mortgages….

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