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Category: UKIP

YouGov headlines: Stay in leads on referendum voting; Ukip drop to 4th in Euro 2014 voting; Ukip 7% Westminster share lowest level for months

YouGov headlines: Stay in leads on referendum voting; Ukip drop to 4th in Euro 2014 voting; Ukip 7% Westminster share lowest level for months

Latest YouGov Westminster voting intentions – CON 33%, LAB 42%, LD 11%, UKIP 7%. — Mike Smithson (@MSmithsonPB) January 20, 2013 YouGov’s sensational 2014 Euro elections polling with comparisons on last week.See table… — Mike Smithson (@MSmithsonPB) January 20, 2013 YouGov: staying in now has a 6% lead when people are asked how they would vote in an EU referendum.Last week leave was 7% ahead — Mike Smithson (@MSmithsonPB) January 20, 2013 If YouGov is right there’ve been big…

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UKIP down at 2009 actual vote share in first YouGov 2014 Euro elections poll

UKIP down at 2009 actual vote share in first YouGov 2014 Euro elections poll

UKIP down to 2009 actual vote level in first YouGov Euro elections poll. LAB +22, CON -1 LD -2… — Mike Smithson (@MSmithsonPB) January 15, 2013 Surely Farage’s party should be doing better? The first YouGov poll fr the June 2014 Euro elections has, somewhat surprisingly, UKIP at exactly the same level as they achieved in June 2009. Given recent Westminster voting intention polling there had been speculation that UKIP could even finish in first place. Well they might…

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As we await another bumper poll for #Ukip – Ladbrokes open a market on the party’s general election vote share

As we await another bumper poll for #Ukip – Ladbrokes open a market on the party’s general election vote share

Ukip gen election vote share of less than 5% the 5/4 fav on Ladbrokes new UKIP vote share market… — Mike Smithson (@MSmithsonPB) January 12, 2013 Will the grumpy old white men stick with Farage? Tonight we’ll see what looks like another great poll for Nigel Farage’s party from Opinium for the Observer. In preparation the pollster issued a press release trying to explain the methodological reason why it thought its UKIP numbers were amongst the highest. In…

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By May 2015 Cameron’s decision to campaign hard against AV might not look very smart

By May 2015 Cameron’s decision to campaign hard against AV might not look very smart

How UKIP is eating into the CON vote – pie chart of CON 2010 voters from today’s YouGov data.… — Mike Smithson (@MSmithsonPB) January 11, 2013 Under FPTP LAB is the main winner The pie chart above is derived from today’s YouGov polling and shows the current voting intentions of those who supported Dave’s party in 2010. The 2010 data is based on polling carried out by YouGov immediatly after the election and not how polling respondents remember it…

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EdM, Dave and Nick should all be happy with first 2014 Euro elections poll

EdM, Dave and Nick should all be happy with first 2014 Euro elections poll

LAB set to double 2009 vote share according to first 2014 Euro election poll. Ukip up but in 3rd place behind CON… — Mike Smithson (@MSmithsonPB) January 7, 2013 Survation has UKIP up on 2009 but down to 3rd place My chart shows the findings of the weekend’s Survation poll on the 2014 Euro elections and compares the vote shares from June 2009 when the elections were last held. Then was very much a low point for the Brown…

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UKIP, the European elections in 2014 and beyond

UKIP, the European elections in 2014 and beyond

In the Survation poll for the Mail on Sunday, one of the supplementary questions asked about voting intentions in the 2014 European Parliament elections, UKIP are on the threshold of pushing the Conservatives into third place, the full results are below. Conservatives 24% Labour 31% Lib Dem 11% UKIP 22% Paddy Power have a market on which party will be the Largest UK party in European Parliament after the 2014 elections. Paddy Power are currently offering 3/1 on UKIP being the largest…

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Lord Ashcroft: The UKIP threat is not about Europe

Lord Ashcroft: The UKIP threat is not about Europe

Following on from last night’s phone polls from Populus and ComRes which showed UKIP  vote share increasing with the phone pollsters, Lord Ashcroft has published some polling on UKIP, from which we learn [The] research finds that 12% of those who voted Tory in 2010 now say they would vote UKIP in an election tomorrow. Half of all those who would consider voting UKIP supported the Conservatives at the last election. The graphic below shows which of the following issues is the most important…

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UKIP averaging just under 17pc with the 60+ group – electors most likely to vote and least likely to change mind

UKIP averaging just under 17pc with the 60+ group – electors most likely to vote and least likely to change mind

UKIP’S shares in last 5 YouGov polls amongst the 60+ age have been 17, 17, 13, 19 and 18. 60+ most likely to vote &least likely to change. — Mike Smithson (@MSmithsonPB) December 6, 2012 The 60+ age group in today’s YouGov had CON 35%: LAB 35%: LD 9%: UKIP 17% — Mike Smithson (@MSmithsonPB) December 6, 2012 UKIP still in double figures in latest YouGov: CON 32%, LAB 44%, LD 9%, UKIP 10% — Mike Smithson (@MSmithsonPB) December 6,…

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