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Category: Labour

Why do family connections seem to matter with Labour?

Why do family connections seem to matter with Labour?

Is the party vulnerable to charges of nepotism? There’s an interesting article by Jeff Randall in the Telegraph this morning which explores the extent to which “which blood ties and marriages” seem to matter so much within the top echelons on the Labour party. He notes: that the Labour cabinet includes “…the Miliband brothers, Edward and David; the husband-and-wife team, Ed Balls and Yvette Cooper, daughter of Prospect’s former general secretary; Harriet Harman, the niece of Lord Longford (a former…

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Labour move to best YouGov total since May

Labour move to best YouGov total since May

CON 41 (+1) LAB 27 (+2) LD 18 (-2) But Labour is still down seven on early early April The third YouGov poll of the month, this one for the Daily Telegraph, has just been published and has some possible less bad news Brown Central. A slight increase in the Labour share which equals the 27 points they were on in late April and early May and is substantially higher than the 21% recorded in one YouGov survey in early…

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Is this the start of PM4PM?

Is this the start of PM4PM? Could my 200/1 bet be a winner after all? A week and a half ago, while I was still on holiday, I picked up on a story that the government is planning to change the law so that life peers can relinquish their position and so be eligible to stand for parliament. Was this, I pondered, a sign that Peter Mandelson – the former Labour press chief who was booted out of Tony Blair’s cabinet twice – might be…

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Tories open up 18 point gap with ComRes

Tories open up 18 point gap with ComRes

CON 42 (+4) LAB 24 (+1) LD 18 (-4) But was it more than just the “Norwich Effect”? This clearly is a very good poll for the Tories who are back in the 40s after five consecutive surveys from the pollster that had them below the magical 40 number including one where they had slumped to just 30%. The field-work started on Friday and went through to Sunday when the party, and particularly Cameron, was getting a lot of favourable…

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Who’s got the biggest Afghan problem – Dave or Gord?

Who’s got the biggest Afghan problem – Dave or Gord?

What’s an incoming Tory government going to do? Two of what used to be called the broadsheet papers are once again making Afghanistan and the problems for the government their main lead. The Independent focuses on the findings of the first part of its monthly ComRes poll which has 52% wanting troops out straight away with 43% against. By 58% to 31% those sampled believed that the Taliban cannot be defeated militarily and by 60% to 35% of those polled…

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Quantifying the Labour collapse

Quantifying the Labour collapse

YouGov How 732 who identified with the party became 435 The above panel is from the latest YouGov poll that was in The People yesterday and shows the dramatic differences between those who told the pollster in 2005 which party they identified with and who they now say they will vote for. So in the sample there were 732 “Labour identifiers” from May 2005. By late July 2009 that number has become 435 – or just 59%. At the same…

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Has Brown now lost the “Tory cuts” war?

Has Brown now lost the “Tory cuts” war?

And if he can’t fight on this then what? For the past three elections Labour core message to get its vote out was that a Tory government would make cuts that would eat into the heart of public services. This worked so brilliantly for so long long that until very recently the new Tory team, Cameron-Osborne, refused even to counter discussions about their post general election plans if this involved hacking back on Labour spending commitments on key services. That’s…

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Is Labour like its leader just too tired?

Is Labour like its leader just too tired?

Or was today another boost for AJ4PM? So another battering at by the voters and if things run to form then there’ll be more leadership speculation followed by Brown’s September conference speech which all Labour loyalists will acclaim. We’ve been here before – the only difference now is that the election is much closer and Labour is finding it even harder to get people to vote for the party. Fourteen months ago at C&N the Tories achieved a massive swing…

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