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Category: Antisemitism

Labour has to face up to the blindingly obvious – the Corbyn brand is busted

Labour has to face up to the blindingly obvious – the Corbyn brand is busted

Deltapoll July 27 2019 The biggest impediment to the movement is the man at the top The main challenge to LAB as it seeks to keep in the game is that its leader is dragging it down. Three weeks ago Deltapoll asked a supplementary question in its first post PM Johnson poll. How would you vote if Labour was led by someone other than Corbyn? The outcome is in the chart above. The detailed data from he latest Survation poll…

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64 LAB peers pay for Guardian ad to tell Corbyn that he fails the test of leadership

64 LAB peers pay for Guardian ad to tell Corbyn that he fails the test of leadership

Time to bet on him not surviving 2019? The wording of the ad above is powerful and will get a lot of attention but the question is how will it impact on the future of the Labour leader who won the job convincingly in the 2015 leadership election and retained it a year later. The wording is quite smart because it does not accuse him of being antisemitic but questions whether his approach to the crisis that has engulfed the…

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A year on since Corbyn’s anti-semitic mural row and the issue continues to plague LAB and its leader

A year on since Corbyn’s anti-semitic mural row and the issue continues to plague LAB and its leader

This could cost LAB more than just Jewish votes It was in March last year that the antisemitic row within LAB gathered media traction following the revelation of his positive response on Facebook in 2012 to what was clearly an anti-semitic mural on the wall of a building in East London. That led amongst other things to demonstrations in Parliament Square against him and the party. Commenting at the time under the heading “Corbyn’s ‘regret’ over an antisemitic mural doesn’t…

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What might the Tories learn from Labour

What might the Tories learn from Labour

The Tories might well look at Labour’s current travails over anti-Semitism and sigh with relief. “At least we’re not as bad as that.” They would be wise not to be so complacent. Anti-Semitism is not  confined to Corbyn’s Labour or to the Left in general. The attacks on Soros by some Tory-leaning papers, even Mrs May’s “citizens of nowhere” speech, echoed some pretty standard tropes about rootless disloyal cosmopolitan people somehow undermining good old native British culture.  And there have been enough…

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Hobson’s choice – the issues facing unhappy LAB MPs

Hobson’s choice – the issues facing unhappy LAB MPs

How far does loyalty stretch? How far should it stretch? Loyalty to persons who have behaved wrongly is misplaced loyalty but is more common than it should be. Still, even in the absence of misbehaviour there is no one easy answer to this, especially for anyone who has voluntarily joined a group because they believed in its mission, in what it was trying to do. The question is even more difficult for members of political parties given that these are,…

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Fringe concerns. Why all the focus on anti-Semitism in the Labour party?

Fringe concerns. Why all the focus on anti-Semitism in the Labour party?

Imagine, if you will, that Labour sweep to power under Jeremy Corbyn. There is much that an avowedly socialist government would wish to do. No doubt it would look at nationalising key industries. It would open up the spigots of the Treasury, letting its funds gush into any number of spending channels. It would look to make irreversible redistributions of wealth.   What it would not do, however, is seek to redraw the boundaries of the Middle East – it…

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Corbyn harking back to LAB’s GE2017 vote share is no solution to the party’s current challenges

Corbyn harking back to LAB’s GE2017 vote share is no solution to the party’s current challenges

We will deliver the change the people of this country need and deserve. — Jeremy Corbyn (@jeremycorbyn) February 20, 2019 For many he is seen as the problem Little noticed in this week’s political turmoil was some new polling from YouGov that had Corbyn dropping to a new low in its well/badly ratings. The trend was in line with all the other leader ratings that we’ve seen the last few weeks that whatever the pollster and whatever the question…

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