Trump remains favourite to win W2024

By far the biggest political betting market is November’s White House race in the US. As can be seen Trump has lost a little of his betting appeal but he remains favourite.
There is a long long way to go and the big question Is how this will look after the first phase of state contests – Iowa, New Hampshire and S Carolina.
In the coming weeks, Trump has so many legal cases to contend with, and a huge part of his campaign funds are set to go on legal fees.It is not beyond the bound of possibility that Trump could find himself in jail in the coming months. How this would affect his chances is hard to say.
My longshot for the GOP nomination Nikki Haley could benefit if something very serious happens to Trump.Given that he’ll be 78 in June and gives no impression of having a healthy life-style this could be an issue. There’s also been the recent story that he has to wear diapers and stinks.