This doesn’t look good for the SNP at the general election

This doesn’t look good for the SNP at the general election

How many Westminster seats will the SNP end up with?

This is a very big point about the by-election on how the SNP is struggling with Scottish voters. The answer of course is not many.

At GE2019 a total of 49 of the 59 Scottish seats went to the SNP. There will be different boundaries and fewer Scottish seats and it is hard to see the SNP total being in double figures. This means there could be getting on for 40 or more ex-SNP seats which will be split between the Tories, LAB and the LDs.

What began as a dramatic change at GE2015 in the aftermath of the 2014 IndyRef looks at to be over and the old unionist parties will be the beneficiaries.

Mike Smithson

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