Mid Beds could go CON, LAB or LD

From a betting perspective the by-election in Mid Bedfordshire looks set to be the most intriguing contest of recent times.
You can make a case for the Lib Dems, Labour or the Tories and this is reflected in the odds above.
The betting movement has been away from the Lib Dems who were trading at about a 67% chance earlier in the week.
I would still make them favourites if only because the party has a long history of winning campaigns where it is campaigning full gas. The only by-election in recent times where a full-blooded Lib Dem campaign failed was at Witney following the resignation as an MP of David Cameron.
The uncertain element in Mid Beds has been Labour’s desire to go full throttle and seek to go for a victory. This makes the battle completely different from the other four seats that the Lib Dems have taken from the Tories during this Parliament. In two of them they started from third place at GE2019
Who knows? A hard fought LAB-LD fight could let in the Tory.