Leaving the ECHR would cost the Tories dear

Poll finds 49% of Brits want the UK to remain – 26% say leave
Some senior Tories are pressing Sunak to include a commitment to leave the European Convention on Human Rights in the party’s next election manifesto. This follows the decisions of the court on the government’s Rwanda plans.
Maybe this latest poll from More in Common will cause the party to think again. It found that 49% want Britain to remain a member of the Convention while leaving the ECHR is backed by 23% The same proportion said they did not know.
Even amongst CON voters 41% said that a Conservative pledge to leave the ECHR would make them less likely to vote for the party while on;y 26% — said it would make them more likely to do so.
As the Tories view the prospect of defeat in the general election perhaps we should expect more potty moves like this which simply don’t have public support.
Clearly for the Tories to press with this would be a great gift to Starmer.