Is this a deliberate LAB move to help the LDs?

Is this a deliberate LAB move to help the LDs?

On the face of it this could look like an attempt by Labour to help the LDs by encouraging tactical voting. But I don’t think so. All parties categorise seats into the ones that get the main focus and those that don’t and inevitably those lists are going to be written down somewhere.

But you can see how the LDs would use it. They could present it as Labour Party backers in the listed seats being told that it is okay for them to consider tactical voting in order to stop the Tories. They would be the main beneficiaries.

The overall impact could be to reduce Labour’s national vote total while at the same time helping stop another Conservative majority.

Will it work? My guess is that it could have an impact on the margin and make it even less likely that the Tories are returned for another term with a majority.

Mike Smithson

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