Time to write off a Mid-Beds by-election?

It has been on the card for months – a by-election in Mid Beds where Nadine Dorries has been MP since GE2010.
What has driven this have been the reports that she was in line to be elevated to the House of Lords. Bettting has started on the “election” and the LDs have been sending in teams of campaigners. Only problem is that currently there is no vacancy.
We now know that she was indeed put forward by Johnson as part of his resignation honours but that this got blocked by the Lords committee that advises on these matters.
Sunak could have over-ruled the decision but has made clear that he is not doing so. As a result it is hard to see a route for Dorries to become a peer and if she doesn’t there will be no vacancy and no by-election.
The one way that a by-election could still be on is if Nadine decides to quit being an MP of her own accord and there is no sign of her doing that.