We seem to be heading for the most boring White House race ever

They are talking about Iowa again
Next year’s White Race will be the sixth such contest since PB was established in March 2004 and, indeed, it was the prevailing narrative that caused me to launch the site. Then Howard Dean was seen as a sure-fire favourite for the Dem nomination which I thought was rubbish and I had made a name for myself on the Betfair forums by setting out this view.
At the weekend we heard a reference to the state of Iowa in relation to the coming contest for the GOP nomination – something that sets the pulse rate of political junkies like me running. For in recent times the Iowa Caucuses have been the start of the nomination race and that the Trump campaign was holding a rally there seemed to me like the first big event of the WH2024 campaign.
The pic above was the scene there at the weekend which then had to be canceled because “of the weather”. It’s being said that this was an excuse for the fact that not enough people were going to turn up. The 45th President wasn’t going to risk being seen in a half-empty field.
For me WH2024 looks set to be the most boring one ever with the WH2020 nominees being the ones who fight it out next year. Half the enjoyment of White House races has been the nomination contests and I dearly hope that neither Trump or Biden are the nominees.