Nikki Haley at 17/1 looks value for the WH2024 GOP nomination

We are getting to that time when possible contenders for next year’s White House race start putting there hats into the ring and indicating that they might be making a formal bid for the nomination of their parties.
The Republican contest has been partly hit by the fact that Donald Trump has already stated that he will be standing. This makes it significantly harder for other potential runners to go forward but one who appears to be making a move is the former governor of South Carolina Nikki Haley.
During Trump’s presidency she was the US anbassador to the UN.
In a couple of interviews in the last few days she has managed to indicate her interest in going forward while at the same time not criticising Trump. Her one veiled observation on the former president is her noting that in all but one of the last 8 White House races the Republicans have come second place in the popular vote.
I think that she looks the part and have bet on her at 17 to 1.