Now a poll has the striking teachers getting public backing

Another rejection of Sunak and his government
One of the features of the current wave of strikes in the public sector is that the public when polled are generally in support of those taking action.
It was easy to see how the nurses could get backing but now the latest poll from YouGov finds support teachers and I find that more remarkable.
In many ways this is a reflection of views of the government which has seen its ratings nosedive. Sunak himself is in deep negative territory in the ratings and it’s hard to see how he or his party can get out of this. His performance at PMQs today was dire with a huge win for Keir Starmer. The PM appears to be tone death.
Could we get to a stage where Tory backbenchers worried about retaining their seats seak to boot out another leader?
I think that he is a large part of the problem.