Trump back up to a 36% betting chance for the GOP 2024 nomination

Those he’s backed lost but he’s going for WH2024
So Trump has made his announcement about his plan to run in 2024 and he’s already filed his papers so he is an official nominee. That of itself resolves one betting market on whether he would be a runner. The submission of the papers makes it official.
His decision comes after a dreadful set of midterms when just about everybody he gave his backing to ended up a loser. In the eyes of voters last week being linked with Donald Trump was a big negative. Quite how voters will respond to the man himself we’ll have to wait and see
Undoubtedly he will have an impact on the Republican party nomination race and my guess is that the betting markets are right and this will be between him and the governor of Florida Ron DeS
I think this makes it more likely that 80-year-old Biden will go for the Dem nomination.