What do Republicans do about their Donald problem?

US politics after the Red Wave that didn’t happen
The big news in American politics this week looks set to be the announcement promised by Donald Trump on Tuesday about his intentions. The widespread belief is that he will announce that he’s running for the 2024 nomination – something that many senior figures in his party are very much opposed to.
This was planned by the ex-president when the polls were suggesting a “Red Wave” was about to sweep the US – something that simply did not happen making Biden the MidTerms “winner” and not Trump.
There is a view in the party that the failures in the midterms last Tuesday were in many cases down to the links with Trump who for many moderate voters is electorally toxic.
He might have a huge number totally loyal supporters but that is not enough because the independents the party will need to appeal to have been even more turned off by the ex-President.
He said to be in a furious mood at the moment because he is being blamed for the failure to meet expectations last Tuesday.
The first 2024 primary is thirteen months off and a lot can happen in the intervening period.
I’m betting that Trump won’t be the nominee.
NOTE: This post in a slightly different form was published prematurely at the weekend and the first 41 comments are on the old version